dan is a
from Brazil.
They signed up on .
Last seen: .
They play with Tablet, Spoon, Dick.
They signed up on .
Last seen: .
They play with Tablet, Spoon, Dick.
Global rank | #3 |
Country rank | #2 |
PP | 166,378 |
Ranked score | 2,514,795,931 |
Total score | 4,375,911,489 |
Playcount | 528 |
Maximum Combo | 3,477 |
Followers | 0 |
Replays watched | 24 |
Total hits | 177,754 |
Accuracy | 98.59% |
Level 87
PP | 0 |
Ranked score | 0 |
Total score | 0 |
Playcount | 0 |
Maximum Combo | 3,477 |
Followers | 0 |
Replays watched | 0 |
Total hits | 0 |
Accuracy | 0.00% |
Level 0
PP | 0 |
Ranked score | 0 |
Total score | 0 |
Playcount | 0 |
Maximum Combo | 3,477 |
Followers | 0 |
Replays watched | 0 |
Total hits | 0 |
Accuracy | 0.00% |
Level 0
PP | 0 |
Ranked score | 0 |
Total score | 0 |
Playcount | 0 |
Maximum Combo | 3,477 |
Followers | 0 |
Replays watched | 0 |
Total hits | 0 |
Accuracy | 0.00% |
Level 0